Friday, February 5, 2010

Narratives Gone Wild

Gee, what a surprise. Sean Hannity goes out of his way to point out Rahm Emanuel's insensitive use of the term, "retard".....but doesn't even mention once Mr. Limbaugh's. It's like, what, it's only an offensive term when a Democrat is using it? I mean, at least Palin kinda' chastised Limbaugh (though, yes, I've heard that she's amped her criticism down a bit - feeling perhaps it's best not to go toe-toe with a fellow ideologue). So much for consistency, huh?...........................................................................................Not that it's significantly better over at MSNBC. Keith Olbermann, rather than taking Emanuel to task, used this whole frigging mess (a full 24 hours prior to Limbaugh even opening HIS pie-hole) merely to take another pot-shot at Palin (as if he ever really needs an excuse, right?). It, me-buckos, was business-as-usual 101/PURE!!............................................................................................And, yes, all the while that this (THIS SHIT) is happening, this United States of ours - IT'S STILL BURNING! Hell, folks, one might even go as far as to say that we're burning because of it. I myself am leaning.....


  1. "Retard" is kind of like "nigger" and "faggot". It's an insensitive term that Mr.s Limbaugh and Emanuel should have clearly known better than to use. There are other words, Vig, that we can utilize to describe what we consider to be stupid, short-sighted, etc. - words that don't belittle the handicapped (or should I say developmentally delayed individuals).

  2. I'm the last one to get this memo. So what words do I use if I want to communicate that, in my humble opinion, Republicant voters are "handicapped (or should I say developmentally delayed individuals"?

  3. How about Republicans are just fucked up?

  4. Just call 'em what I call the loony left.


    (you guys wouldn't be totally truthful in using it, but hey, why start now?)

  5. Just for the record, I consider all of you guys my friends and I don't think that any of you are developmentally delayed. As for the 2 main political parties, I think that they're both pretty much bankrupt. The Dems want to solve all problems by spending money. The Republicans, they, on the other hand, just want to blow shit up (well, after they torture it first, of course).

  6. Not to get on my high horse but gentlemen nothing is accomplished by calling each other names.

    I happily accept the fact that the entire nation is in some form or the other delusional.

    Everyone needs to take a long weekend off, drink a beer or two, and get laid.

  7. Abso-frigging-lutely!!! Double b to the rescue, ladies and gentlemen!!

  8. Vig, I'm supposed to be surprised that Mrs. Palin is acting like a hypocrite/typical politician?


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