Sunday, February 7, 2010

Miscellaneous 5

1) I've heard that Sarah Palin will be donating her $100,000 speaking fee for speaking at the Tea Party convention BACK to the movement. Hm, it's like, hello, why not just speak for nothing? I mean, I just don't get it. And, really, if you're going to make a contribution to something, wouldn't it be better just to give the money to a REAL charity - you know, as opposed to some sort of self-sustaining kick-back? I'm just asking.....2) Hey, how 'bout The Who, folks? Seriously, did you happen to catch a glimpse of them at that Super Bowl halftime show? Talk about rocking out! I mean, I know that they're senior citizens and all (Daltrey and Townsend) but MAN, was that ever some seriously good shit out there. And not a "wardrobe malfunction" in sight. Hell, in my opinion, it was the best Super Bowl halftime show EVER!....3) I saw (probably for the 5th or 6th time) "Bonnie and Clyde" this weekend. Man, oh man - I guess you'd have to say that I'm still recovering here. And, no, I'm not even talking about the violence (though, yes, I will in fact admit it, that was quite blistering, too). I'm talking about Fay Dunaway, folks. Wowie, wowie, wowie, was she ever frigging hot in 1967. And the performance itself was so incredibly sexual. I site, specifically, that time when she was lamenting her not being able to see her family. Warren Beatty (Clyde) says to her, "I'll be your family." Remember? Remember how she slithered onto his lap like a snake, a snake with feline propensities? Ooh, huh? And then there was that scene near the end (right before they got gunned down) when she started eating the apple, sharing it with Clyde, etc.. THAT was incredibly sexy. Ms. Fay Dunaway, ladies and gentlemen!!!


  1. I watched the movie "Watchmen" for the fifth time this weekend. I like the interplay with the very flaws superheros and very altered history of the world in that movie. Nixon was elected to five terms as POTUS for example.

    I try not to think about Palin and go Saints!

  2. Oh, absolutely. Flawed heroes are infinitely more interesting. Montgomery Clift, Jack Kerouac, Modest Mussorgsky, Dylan Thomas - I love those guys! As for Ms. Palin, I do try to be fair; defend her when she's being unfairly singled out, criticize her when starts to go majorly off (which, infortunately, is happening more and more frequently these days). As for those New Orleans Saints, I am totally on board. THAT was awesome!

  3. Will,
    I liked her even better in Little Big Man.The perfect older woman. Oh hell the perfect woman.Dang she was fine.

  4. That was a very sexy role as well, Oso. Hell, I would even throw "Network" in there, too. What a sexy bitch she was in that one, huh?


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