Thursday, February 4, 2010

Miscellaneous 4

1) John McCain has gone from a politician who I once respected as much as anybody to, well, basically just another guy - a guy, folks, who will literally do or say ANYTHING just to get elected, etc.. The latest evidence of this is his suddenly strident opposition to the doing-away of "don't ask, don't tell". McCain, still in the midst of a very tough primary battle with the ultra-conservative, J.D. Hayworth, evidently feels the need to pander....yet again. I mean, wow, huh? Talk about a sad situation. It just doesn't get any sadder, in my opinion.....2) Markos Moulitsas went on "Countdown" tonight and said (quite correctly, in my opinion) that a lot of individuals tune in to Fox because they don't like to hear contrary viewpoints. Yeah, that's right, folks. That's what he said - on "Countdown". He said this on frigging "COUNTDOWN"!!!! Do you not at least see the irony here?....3) Michael Jackson's doctor was charged this week with involuntary manslaughter. My first reaction to this was, "damn, it's about time." My second was simply, "ya' think?" This, I'm saying, in that, think about it here. This character not only gave Jackson a drug that he shouldn't have (a drug that should only be administered by an anesthesiologist in a hospital setting), he idiotically left the room in the process. And, no, folks, this doesn't even get into all of the other drugs that this pathetic loser administered to him (10 milligrams of Valium here, 2 milligrams of Ativan there - pretty soon you're talking real narcotics here). Yeah, I'm pretty frigging sure that you might have a manslaughter charge. HELLO!!


  1. I am surprised about Mc Cain, he does not have long to go in politics...or life even...and he throws away his hard earned respect and honor for nothing, that is sad.
    Yes the Fox audience has blinders on and are too old fashioned to consider new ideas, but that is slowly changing.
    MJ's doctor is just an idiot.

  2. He ran a shitty Presidential campaign. And now he's running a shitty primary campaign for the Senate. The John McCain of 2000 is nothing now but an echo.


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