Friday, February 26, 2010

He Who Shoots From the Hip Often Shoots Himself in the Toe

Don't count me amongst those who say that Glen Beck's programs aren't interesting. I mean, sure, the presentations are often maddeningly slanted, his reactions borderline paranoid, etc. - but, yes, folks, the subject matter itself is frequently thought provoking. Hell, he even has some credible guests on (Amity Shlaes, for instance) from time to time. But, I'm telling you, folks. When Mr. Beck said (not on his own show, ironically) that President Obama, in his opinion, was a racist, that one was way, Way, WAY, beyond the pale. And the fact that he's never apologized for it (unlike Mrs. Obama, who's apologized several times for her gaffe/statement) - that, folks, just might be a bridge that's too far/over the edge for me. And to think that this guy used to work for CNN.


  1. Beck is a showman...he's found his chance to make a pile of dough and he's making the most of it.

  2. I used to watch his Headline News show from time to time. Oh, yeah, he has definitely amped it up a mite. P.T. Barnum ain't got NOTHING on this guy.


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