Saturday, February 27, 2010

Blinded by the (Electric) Light

One of the perception problems that the Republicans have is that they're anti-science. A lot of them, for instance, are against embryonic stem-cell research. They think that it's a kin to murder. Others think that global warming, not only is fallacious but debunked to the point where they're constantly throw around such loaded terms as myth and hoax (this, I'm saying, as opposed to a more reasoned discussion). Still others champion such discredited concepts as intelligent design. These people, folks (some of who actually ran for president; Brownback and Huckabee, just to name two), actually think that evolution is not a viable theory. Add to that the fact that Republicans (thankfully not all of them but, yes, a lot) are constantly belittling the more highly educated amongst us and, yeah, it does start to get a little awkward at times (hypocritical, too - this, in that W went to Yale and Harvard, Coulter went to Cornell, Ingraham went to Dartmouth, etc.).........................................................................................................Now, this isn't AT ALL to say that the Dems don't have their own perception problems. They, for instance, seem to want to solve every social problem via the establishment of a new government entitlement program. But, I'm telling you, folks, the fact that a lot of Republicans seem to be embracing such a strong anti-intellectualism, that is really, REALLY, going to make it hard for independents (like me) to support them in a national election. And, yes, that is absolutely a shame. It's a shame - THIS, because America seems to do well when BOTH parties prosper (this, as opposed to now, when they're both flailing).


  1. You are right my friend, when we have two strong legs to stand on, we can run faster and farther down the road of destiny, we need to give the Republicans some sort of smart juice to drink so they can stand strong on substance not talking points...they weaken us as a country and have us limping with only one strong leg.

  2. Not an Eisenhower or Rockefeller in sight. Unfortunately. And, no, I don't even think that Reagan would be impressed with the current crop. Mitch McConnell? PLEASE!

  3. I'm surprised at you Will,

    "anti-science", "anti-intellectualism"?

    You're falling just short of the LC group in patting yourself on the back.

    We could argue intelligent design all night, but the fact is there are brilliant scientists on both sides of that issue, and evolution by itself doesn't mean the direction doesn't have divine guidance.

    As to embryonic stem cells, can you name one cure or treatment that has come from those?

    All current therapies have come from adult stem cell lines.

    If you want to experiment with embryonic stem cells why not push for using umbilical cord blood as a source? Why is it only by sacrificing a potential human life that the left will be satisfied?

    And as to global warming the American media is lying to, and stonewalling you Will.

    If you really want to know how deep the hoax runs read some European newspapers, or watch the BBC. In the UK the guardian and the daily mail have been all over it.

    The deception and corruption run very deep on this.

    And if you'll note, "the more highly educated amongst us" are typically self proclaimed.

    It would be as if a child, upon hearing his parents speak decided he must be more highly intelligent than they because he couldn't understand what they were saying.

    Sorry Will, but the lefts repeated claim to superior intelligence is one of the things that piss me off.
    Especially when they keep trotting out the same old horseshit that has failed time and time again.

  4. Further, I'm not a fan of either Eisenhower or Rockefeller.

    Patton was right about pushing the Ruskies back to their own borders and Ike damn well knew it.

    A problem that was compounded by the communist FDR when he sold out eastern Europe at Yalta.

  5. To my dismay it doesn't look like there's a Patton in sight either.

  6. I don't know if your heart can take it Will, but here's a photo of a young Bridgette Bardot...

  7. I doubt very much if you'll get a response Volt.

    If the libs dont have a teleprompter they are pretty much S.O.L.

  8. Hi Volt. How you doin'? I guess I'm going to have to take these on one by one. 1) I DON'T think that liberals are smarter than conservatives (the way that the former formulated the stimulus and healthcare plans is a strong testament to THEIR fuzzy thinking). I just feel that there's an element in the Republican party (the Huckabees, the Robertsons, the Brownbacks, the Tancredos, etc.) that will constantly eschew science and reason for religious dogma. That part of the Republican party, the religious right, is clearly troubling to me. 2) An intelligent designer? Wow, he can't be all that intelligent if this is the best that he could come up with (unless, that is, he has a sadistic sense of humor). Look, maybe there is a god, maybe there isn't. But, to me, it's a theological question that doesn't belong in a science class. Science advances via the evidence and not necessarily by logic. 3) Patton may have been right. But he also may have been wrong. After a 5 year slug with Germany, Italy, and Japan (and a half a million dead Americans), I'm not so sure that a war with Russia would have been too feasible. And, besides, we eventually beat them in the Cold war (to which I have often given Reagan a large chunk of the credit), anyway. 4) As for Mr. Roosevelt, he made some good decisions but, yes, he also made some boneheaded ones. Calling him a Communist, though, I'm still not entirely sure that that in any way aids the discussion. Hey, I defended Bush over charges of Naziism and so, yeah, I suppose that I should also defend President Roosevelt here. Calling him a Communist is at least somewhat hyperbolic.

  9. 5) As for the embryonic stem cells, Volt, they (the clinics) end up throwing them away. To me, it would be far more criminal NOT to use them for research (Orrin Hatch actually agrees with me). And, really, if the far right truly had the strength of their convictions, they would make, not just this research illegal but the fertility clinics themselves illegal. As to which type of stem cell is better for research, I don't know, I'm not a scientist. All I know is that the scientific community seems to think that the embryonic stem cells could be valuable. And, yes, I think that they know a little more about it than Ann Coulter. 6) Global warming? It may or may not be caused by human activity (I myself can be persuaded either way). But rather than a conspiracy pushing it (if in fact the experts are wrong here), I would think that it would be more caused by group think. I don't know, I guess that I'm just not a conspiracy guy. 7) Volt, please, Please, PLEASE, do not compare me to the LC crowd. I think that you know me well enough to know that I'm not a partisan. Yes, I voted for Obama and Ned LaMont. But I also voted for Jody Rell and Republican in the mayoral race. I cannot be pigeon-holed and, no, I'm not a joiner, either.

  10. Double c thinks that I'm a "lib". Cliffy thinks that I'm a "reich winger". I don't know, to me, that probably indicates that I'm doing a pretty good job.

  11. Will,you do kind of change your stripes depending what blog you're posting on.

    I dont think anyone would compare you to the LC crowd and if you've been there lately there is only one of the old fruitcakes still posting there.

    As for Clif,he has been heard from for quite a dont suppose...nah it cant be....he got a job.

  12. What can I tell you, double c, I actually kind of confuse myself from time to time.....I don't know, I guess that I just consider all of these folks (i.e., politicians) mixed bags. And, no, I can't even remember the last time that I voted enthusiastically. That long it's been.

  13. As for Clif, yeah, I'd like to see the fellow working. I'm just not going to hold my breath. I mean, you do have to get along with people to work, right?


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