Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Gitmo Got Nothin'....

I don't know if the people who go on the Nancy Grace show get paid or not. But, I'm telling you, if in fact they do pay 'em, whatever it is that they pay 'em, it ain't even remotely enough. I mean, my God - have you seen this woman/lunatic? She has got to be the rudest person in the history of television. And it isn't just the analysts who take it on the chin, either. She treats the straight reporters like garbage, too. She even treats regular folks (who are already frigging nervous, mind you) shabbily. I'm personally surprised that anybody would be willing to go on the air and get a brow-beating like that. They must really like to be on the TV. That's the only thing that I can come up with........................................................................................P.S. Just for the record - even if there weren't any guests on her show, it would still be unwatchable. This, me-buckos, in that, yes, the woman's self-righteousness alone is enough to make me vomit. She literally thinks that she's this high-powered voice of virtue, a protectorate of the little folks, etc.. And I'm also telling you, folks, if I have to hear one more story about those twins of hers....(I obviously DO watch from time to time).


  1. Glad I'm not the only one.I'd put her on once and noticed she immediately was on the attack.the guest was not entirely sympathetic but she really seemed to want the guy lynched. and you're right, she was obnoxious towards the reporters too.

  2. I couldn't frigging believe it. It's like, why the hell are yelling at that poor guy for? Definitely some issues there.


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