Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Principle Involved

Thank goodness/the Lord for George Will. I mean, I know that the guy can be a pompous ass from time to time and that, yes, he's probably a lot more conservative than some of us. But, 1) the guy is a traditional conservative (this, as opposed to a neoconservative) and 2) he's never been one of those guys who would defend the indefensible out of partisanship.............................................................................................For example, while, yes, he did in fact strongly support Reagan, he was also strongly critical of both President Bushes. He didn't, for example, just because a Republican did it, throw away his opposition of nation-building, start to say that it was now a necessary tactic, etc.. On the contrary, folks. Will was one of the strongest critics of the Iraq War/President Bush's (mis)handling of it............................................................................................And, yes, folks, Mr. Will continues to place principles over partisanship. When asked about Dick Cheney's criticism of President Obama's deliberative approach regarding Afghanistan ("the President is dithering"), Mr. Will responded by saying that it probably would have been a good thing if the Bush/Cheney administration had done a little more dithering prior to their getting us involved in Iraq. Wow, huh? Talk about an arrow directly hitting the bulls-eye. Mr. Will literally nailed that sucker, for Christ. It's just too bad there aren't more conservatives like Will out there.


  1. To bad there ain't more like him on both sides of the political aisle.

  2. Agreed, double b. I especially like it that he hammers both sides.


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