Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fuzzy Thinking All Around

To those of you who say that the Republicans have used a lot of scare tactics/misinformation in an effort to sink the President's health care agenda, I basically say, "fair point". When you go around using such terms as "death panels" and "government takeover, the overall discussion at the very least gets clouded. But, while I do think that, yes, we should put a damper on this type of lingo, I also think it's fair to point out some of the more legitimate criticisms of what the Dems are espousing..........................................................................................For instance, in the Baucus plan, there is a mandate that individuals /families procure health insurance....and, if they don't, they will be fined. The problem with this is that the fine is considerably less than the health insurance would cost. A lot of people may simply opt to pay the fine. AND, because the Baucus plan also outlaws preexisting clauses, they will simply wait until they get sick to get insurance. The end result could be only sick people seeking insurance. THAT would be totally unworkable..........................................................................................And, so, too, the fact that they're cutting half a trillion out of Medicare; reducing reimbursements to doctors, facilities, etc.. That as well would have repercussions. Doctors would either have to take a huge hit OR try and get it out of the rest of us (charge more and/or spend a lot less time per patient). Hell, folks, some doctors just might say screw it and no longer accept Medicare (as they are similarly doing with Medicaid NOW!) Then where in the hell would we be? I don't know, I really think they need to think this through a little more.


  1. Will,
    I've never been comfortable with the "got to be covered or you're fined" thing either. There may be a good reason for it,or it may be a very large bone for the HMO's. another 40 or 50 million people forced to join up.

    The Medicare thing-I hear there's a crisis in funding,I wonder if this is being used to attack the plan,something which is gonna happen regardless ? Or is $ being taken away from Medicare to fund the current proposed plan ?

    I don't know either answer.

    Hey so you got your virus fixed ? Maybe it wasn't the computer,it was you ? was it plugged in ?

  2. My computer basically shit the bed. I'm blogging at work (off the clock, of course - LOL) now. I'll eventually get it fixed but have a few more pressing things to deal with first................As for health care, I have literally NO idea how to fix it (and, yes, we definitely need to fix it). If I had to come up with something, I would 1)allow people to buy insurance across state lines, 2)give people vouchers, and 3)create a government health board (ala the Fed) to set minimum standards and resolve disputes. It's not perfect but I think it would be better than the Baucus plan (that seemingly resembles Romney's MA disaster).

  3. Will,
    if it's a health board like the Fed, why not have the Fed do it? The govt seems to want them to regulate things besides their stability/employment mandate.Why not have Bernanke run healthcare too?

    Did you see my reply to when you first mentioned computer problems? ? good place.


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