Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Scoop Jackson and the Iraq War - Two Words

BLAME HIM!!!..............................................................................................P.S. Obviously, I'm being facetious here. And, yet, think about it, folks. Where did a good chunk of these theoretical warriors (AKA, neocons) get their tutelage from? I believe it happened in a certain Senator from Washington's Senate office quarters. Not, of course, that anyone could have foreseen the emergence of another; a certain serial (albeit, amiable) bungler from Texas, gullible enough to absorb, hook, line, and sinker, not just the essence of....but the specifics from Scoop. So, yes, to that extent, I'm clearly willing to cut the Scoopster some slack here. Just a little, though.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. But Pearle and Wolfowitz did. Rumsfeld? He claims that he was never asked about the war (i.e., whether it was wise/necessary or not). This, though he did execute it poorly. As for Cheney, he obviously hasn't acquitted himself well.

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  4. I said that that's what Rumsfeld said, not that I necessarity believed him. And I think it's fairly obvious that Wolfowitz had Bush's ear to a certain degree (as did Pearle). And, Clif, did you just not read the part where I said I was obviously being facetious? Or do you just not know the meaning of the word. Bush clearly had a lot of people giving him shitty advice, SOME of which were Jackson disciples. My God, you're so frigging/rigidly stupid. I mean, the mear fact that I said "Bush clearly had a lot of people giving him shitty advice" should be proof alone that I'm as far from partisan as you can get (compare this to you, who's NEVER criticized Obama even once).

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  6. Yes, Cheney DID work for Bush 41. And, as I'm sure that even you would concede, he was a much different person back then. I remember his explanation as to why we didn't follow Saddam into Iraq. It was brilliant and as far removed from neocon philosophy as you can get. Something happened to the fellow in those 10 years between 1 and 2.

  7. Oh well, Maybe Colonel Slade was right about you, after all.

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  10. I knew that one would get you back. LOL I love the military, Clif. That's why I've been so adamantly opposed to most wars. I even opposed the 1st Gulf War at the time (I was probably wrong on that one). I just don't particularly care for YOU, Clif. What you previously did for a living matters not.

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  15. Will,
    you make a good point.Were he alive today he'd have been gung-ho about the Iraq War. Arguably he'd have based it on credibility, not allowing (the public perception of)Saddam to thumb his nose at us.

    I had to google real quick,I'd remembered him as having decent politics but my memories were of his civil rights support, I'd forgotten his war support. confused him with Mark Hatfield, probably cause they were both from the pacific northwest.

  16. Hi Oso, sorry you had to step into the middle of this. Yeah, Jackson, while his domestic agenda was respectable, never met a weapons system he couldn't support. And he was a staunch supporter of the Vietnam War, too. Richard Perle, in particular, still worships him.

  17. Good morning, Clif. I see you were quite busy last night. I was busting your chops with the Colonel Slade comment. Was it immature? Maybe. But certainly not any more so than you leaving/repeating the phrase "Nazi Censorship" 1,000,000 times. As to why I didn't join the army when I was younger, I probably didn't for the same reasons that President Obama didn't (the difference being that I'm currently not sending American youngsters into an endless quagmire). But it's not like I didn't serve society. I worked as a prison guard and teacher (working with inner city kids that you couldn't have handled). And after that I worked with the multiply handicapped and elderly. So why don't you knock it off with this my life was better than your life immaturaty? P.S. There wasn't a war going on when I turned 18. So it's not like I was pulling a Clinton, Quayle, Bush, Biden, Cheney.

  18. Voltron is my friend, Clif. If you'r not mature enough to handle that, I'm sorry. As far as Rusty goes, I don't really know him that well. And if he's Colonel Slade, he took a shot at me, too, Clif. Not that I'm going to freak out or anything.

  19. Oso, your memory closely follows mine. Both Hatfield and Scoop were good guys on civil rights; But Jackson was a hawk on Vietnam. Don't think that necessarily means he would of lost his mind and blown our brains out on Iraq, though. Hart lays no foundation for that.

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  21. Jackson himself, Vig, maybe not (nor Bush 1, nor Reagan). But his disciples sure enough thought it was a good idea (Perle still speaks glowingly of Scoop).


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