Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Kabuki Factor

Ann Coulter's appearances on "O'Reilly" are extremely curious/bizarre. Some of them actually have kind of good cop/bad cop texture to them. On the one hand, you have Coulter, who, in her inimitable attack style, goes straight for the President's throat (sometimes making valid points, sometimes not). This, of course, and then, on the other side, you have O'Reilly (fair and balanced, but only by comparison). It is his job (in what is an obvious attempt to come across as reasonable) to put up resistance. But as one can plainly see, it's obviously token resistance (this, in that he no doubt agrees with a reasonable chunk of it) - comical in fact. And a little bit deft, too. As we all can clearly attest, O'Reilly totally hates to lose an argument. And he technically doesn't here, either (never allowing the president to look too good, obviously!!). Bill O'Reilly, ladies and gentlemen, talk about a frigging master, huh?


  1. Hart, what's this about O'Reilly coming out in favor of the Public Option? Is he serious?

  2. Something like that, Vig (a co-op maybe). He actually seems to have gotten a lot more moderate, now that he doesn't constantly need to protect Bush from the "Bush-hating media".


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