Friday, September 18, 2009

Lime-Light Disease

When it comes to Jimmy Carter, folks, I TRY VERY HARD 1) to be patient and 2) to be respectful. I do so because I think that, deep down, he's a fundamentally decent man. But, even more so than THAT, I feel very sorry for him. I mean, think about it. Who, other than George Bush 2, has been more consistently maligned than this fellow? Granted, some of his status as a failed President was earned (his inability to handle the economy, especially). But, still, I do in fact persist in having sympathy for him.....................................................................................And, yes, me-buckos, that indeed is precisely why it's sometimes difficult to criticise him. But, please, PLEASE, enough is enough. For the former president to say that the "overwhelming portion" of the criticism that President Obama is now receiving is racially motivated - that, my friends is taking it a little too far. I mean, come on, THE OVERWHELMING PORTION? Where's his frigging evidence, for Christ? Certainly some of it is. But for him to so recklessly indict such a large swath of the American public, the fellow really should be ashamed of himself. I'm thinking he should go back to building houses, personally.


  1. Carter is by no means the only one who feels this way.

  2. I just didn't like the "overwhelming portion" component. And you know what else, it didn't sound as if the President thought it was helpful, either.

  3. I'm thinking that Carter took the President's back on this one; BHO, was appreciative, but it would have been counterproductive to express it. I could be wrong.

  4. I agree with Vigil,Carter did the Junkyard Dog thing. The type of thing a vice-president will often do,then take the heat for it.In this case race is so sensitive that the criticism had to come from one not associated with the administration.

    Will,I understand what you say regarding the phrase "overwhelming portion". I'm no Obama fan,I defend him when I hear the wildly inaccurate things but condemn much of what he does.

    I recalled the rabid anti-Clinton partisanship which came from the right,and drew a parallel with the anti-Obama movement.My daughter pointed out to me "but Dad,those people weren't out in the streets protesting Clinton.It had to be having a Black president that took them away from their stupid TV shows".

    She has a point.It's also possible the excesses of the beck/rush crowd contribute to a perception that it's more than just partisan anger.Kind of a guilt by association.

  5. Good points, folks. Maybe if Carter had said "the overwhelming portion of those lunatics (my word) holding signs at the rallies were racist, I would have agreed with him. But there are millions of people (some on the left, some on the right, some in the middle) currently criticizing Obama. I don't think that most of them are driven by racism.

  6. Hey Will, I'd like it even better if he'd said "the overwhelming portion of those assholes" or "those d*ckheads" !

    Heck if he'd said that I'd buy his brothers beer.

  7. Oso, do they still make Billy Beer? I remember knocking down a six when I was a teenager. It wasn't very good. LOL Interesting stuff on Beck, Vig. I would definitely put him into the lunatic category, too.

  8. I have posted, for your reading displeasure.


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