Monday, September 7, 2009

Pretty Face/Stupid

CBS News foreign correspondent, Lara Logan, made a hugely erroneous accusation yesterday (9/7/09). While a guest on CNN's "Reliable Sources", Ms. Logan implied (strongly implied) that syndicated columnist George Will's only reason for opposing Obama's Afghan policy is because Mr. Will is a conservative. She further asked the show's host, Howie Kurtz, "Would Will be expressing these same concerns if President Bush had taken these actions?"......................................................................................I mean, I know that Ms. Logan has spent a great deal of time out of the country and all, but the fact that she was unaware of Mr. Will's staunch and consistent opposition to President Bush's foreign policy is embarrassing. It's like, "Yes, Ms. Logan, George Will WOULD be opposing President Bush if it was he who had advocated this surge in Afghanistan. HELLO! I mean, do you just not know the difference between a traditional conservative (many of whom have advocated a limited military agenda) and a neo-con? George Will, as a traditional conservative, doesn't like nation-building. And it doesn't really matter WHO is sitting in the White House. It's a little something called principle, lady. You might want to learn to appreciate it.".........................................................................................The bottom-line here, folks. Lara Logan really needs to make a correction here. An apology wouldn't hurt, either.


  1. P.S. I was also surprised that Howie Kurtz (who I've always considered to be an excellent media critic) didn't/wasn't able to point this discrepancy out. He's usually quite adept at doing do.

  2. On Lara Logan, agreement with you on both counts!

  3. She is a babe. No question about that, me-bucko. For foreign correspondents, though, I much prefer CNN's Michael Ware (when I can cut through his Cockney accent anyway LOL).

  4. I did leave that open for interpretation, didn't I? LOL


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