Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Stooge Too Far

The record is clear, folks. I have given the President a total pass on Reverend Wright, Bill Ayers, etc.. I did it 1) because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and 2) I just didn't think that these idiots were relevant (the Ayers association, in particular, I saw tangentially - the fact that there were a fair share of Republicans on that board, etc.). Granted, the Reverend Wright association may have been embarrassing to Mr. Obama at times. But even that I saw far more as political opportunism than anything sinister. Never, for example, did I EVER think that Mr. Obama shared the reverend's views (the generational distinctions alone)....................................................................................But now, unfortunately, here it is, yet another situation; a fellow by the name of Van Jones (advisor, czar, green jobs expert, yada yada). And, while, yes, I still really want to give the President the benefit of the doubt here, this one, I'm afraid to say, is significantly more troubling. This, in that not only has Mr. Jones engaged in a lot of incendiary language, the fellow actually went as far as to sign a petition that implicated President Bush in 9/11 ( a 9/11 truther, he basically is). I mean, I know that a lot of people don't like W. and all but, really. This is as far and away over the top as you can pretty much get. And in my opinion, it really has to disqualify you from public service (especially absent a mia culpa).....................................................................................As to the Obama administration's culpability here, I'm sorry, it really doesn't look all that good for the President. The administration either didn't vet this guy. Or they did vet him, and none of it mattered. Either way, it's all kind of a blot on the President's record/judgement.


  1. I explained Van Jones as best I could spin him on my site. I certainly agree with you that truthers are definitely loosely bound.

  2. He says he wasn't sure of what he was signing. I did that once. The encyclopedias arrived 2 days later.

  3. Choose your pick! as my ex-husband used to say. Van Jones is a "truther" who signed a petition he believed in.....or he is a Yale educated man who signed something without reading it. Either way, it's good he's out of here.

    That's why all the czars should have to go through some Congressional review. Every President picks some bad apples. Every President has appointees who lie during the vetting process. Congress doesn't catch them all, but in these cases, the more pairs of eyes looking into these choices, the better.

  4. A little more scrutiny you say, Maggie? Hm, yeah, I could definitely be on board with that. LOL

  5. I think you win on this one, Maggie.

  6. I would have preferred Van Morrison myself. Hell, even Van Halen would have been a better choice. LOL


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