Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dotless Connections

That whole notion of Saddam Hussein giving his WMD to Al Qaeda - you remember that one, right? Well, guess, what, it still frigging perplexes me. I mean, seriously, folks, how could we have ever been so stupid? Saddam Hussein would have NEVER given his WMD to terrorists. That, for Christ sakes, would have been as sensible as Bambi delivering guns to the hunters. Suicidal, in other words. The frigging terrorists hated Saddam Hussein! If in fact they were ever able to acquire such weaponry, frigging Hussein would have been one of the ones in the cross-hairs. But, no, we just had to take the son-of-a-bitch out.............................................................................................Look, folks, I have no idea why Bush made the particular decisions he did. My suspicion is that he wanted to look proactive (possibly macho, too) after 9/11 and that he actually DID think that Iraq represented an easy mark (obviously ignoring the multi-ethnic aspects to that region). I also agree with Scott McClellan in that there was obviously a great deal of group-think that took place within the administration, with contrary thinkers like Colin Powell and Richard Armitage not particularly listened to. I mean, I know that some people have come up with far more sinister theories to occupy their time, vilify Bush, etc.. Which is fine - don't get me wrong. I'm just saying that, personally, I prefer the lesser conspiratorial theories, that's all......................................................................................P.S. Just to be clear here, I am not in any way a pacifist. If Bush could have proven to me that there were in fact weapons of mass destruction, I wouldn't have had any objection in using our military to take them out. I wouldn't have even had a problem in smacking the bastards around a little (but not too much in that we needed Hussein as a buffer against Iran). My only problem was with (well, other than the fact that there weren't any WMD) the nation-building stuff, regime change, etc.. That, my friends, isn't why we have a frigging military. The last time that I checked anyway.

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