Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Bomb de Jur Revisited

Do you folks remember how Fox News used to berate the other networks for their supposedly showing only negative stories coming out of Iraq? Well, guess what? Now that the Iraq and Afghan wars are President Obama's problem/responsibility, Fox News suddenly doesn't find such bad news objectionable any more. In fact, they seem to reporting on a great deal of it lately. Hm, could it possibly be that bad news from of a war zone is only a bad thing to report on when it's a Republican President who suffers from it? That's what it appears to be, in terms of Fox's thinking anyway.


  1. I think you hit the proverbial nail on the head man.Yeah.Just like the deficit wasn't such a big deal under the previous administration either.

  2. Fox and Friends in the morning is a particularly blatant segment. Megen Kelly, too.


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