Monday, September 14, 2009

Dunce to the Chief

Congressman Wilson's behavior the other night wasn't just rude. It was extremely idiotic as well. And, yes, me-buckos, he absolutely should be censured. As the President himself so articulately put forth, all of us need to be far more civil in regards to our political discourse..................................................................................Unfortunately, though, that advice alone doesn't get us to the meat/heart of the issue. No, folks, President Obama didn't lie. There is nothing in his healthcare plan which says that illegal aliens will be eligible for free/subsidized coverage. Nothing at all. But (and, yes, folks, this is a very BIG but) neither is there a mechanism in the program which verifies an an enrollee's citizenship. They're not, for example, subjected to the S.A.V.E. program - a process, determining citizenship, that people need to go through for literally every other federal entitlement.................................................................................So, yes, theoretically illegal aliens could indeed get this benefit - should they decide to game the system. This, of course, this isn't to excuse the idiot Wilson's behavior. The Republicans had (as they always do with Presidential speeches to Congress) an opportunity to rebut (or at least attempt to) the President after his speech. That would have been the time to point out this discrepancy, not DURING the speech!!!


  1. Well, you caught both points on the illegal alien question, very good. I will freely admit that I do not trust POTUS on this issue. That is why the lack of a mechanism is so troublesome to me.

    Yesterday I was driving home listening to the Jimmy Myers show on WTKK. He had some so-called expert on to discuss the health care bill. A woman called in and quoted an OP-ED from some Congressman where he states there is no mechanism to stop illegal aliens from recieving coverage. Myers and his expert proceed to talk to the woman condescendingly. Myers kept calling her "Darling" while he said over and over that wasn't a fact. The expert read the statement of intent stating that no benefit, no Federal dollars were available to illegal aliens. She said that wasn't a mechanism. And they laughed at her and said they couldn't explain it any better than what was written in the bill. That they couldn't have conversations with people who weren't smart enough to see that of course this meant no illegal aliens would receive coverage, because after all it was there in black and white.

    It was awful and aggravating.

    But you have both points covered.

    As far as Wilson. Most *smart* conservatives I know are furious with him. A - he did just what we protested against when it ws done to "W", he was rude. That was not the time or the place. And B - he took attention away from the actual issue and placed it on himself.

    And Wilson's behaviour after the fact has done nothing to endear himself to us. He apologizes on the one hand and then he accepts the congratulations of people who think it was ok.


  2. Once again you show left wing selected memory.Do you remember the dems booing Bush while he gave a similar speech?Do you remember dingy Harry Reid calling Bush a liar?
    Wilson said what half the country was thinking.Was he out of line?Yes,but he's apoligized,enough said.
    I guess you'll now use the race card,thats usually the last one you have left in the deck.

  3. Mr. Slade: Do you mean when Reid called Shrub a liar in 2004? Did you notice that he didn't shout out the accusation while Shrub was speaking to Congress? Apples and oranges, Mr. Slade. Apples and oranges.

    Maybe you have selective memory, too.

  4. Hey Homer,here's a news flash BHO did lie in his speech,cut and dried.
    There will be no increase in debt
    with nationalized health care?That itself was a lie.No rationing of health care?Lie again.

  5. Your in Canada,how long do you have to wait to get an MRI or Cat scan?
    If you say no wait your nose will grow for lying.
    The majority here want no part of a program like yours,you sir can keep it and enjoy it.

  6. Oh, Mr. Slade, didn't you know we Canadians with our waits for CAT scans and MRIs and all, live longer than people in your country? And fewer of our babies die. Pretty good results, I'd say. For a much smaller percentage of our GDP.

    And, BTW, polls in the U.S. say your viewpoint is in the minority.

  7. And did you know sir the death rate from cancer is 16% higher in Canada then the states,most say due to late care and response.
    If your system is so wonderful why on earth are private clinics opening up in droves?Why do Canadians still feethe need to come here for treatment or surgery?Lastly,you are dead wrong about the majority of americans wanting the Canadian system.

  8. Wow! Hello gentlemen. Yes, Mr. Slade, the other side behaves quite badly, too. And, no, I'm not going to use the race card. I, unlike Maureen Dowd, don't have the ability to mind-read. Mr. Stimpson, welcome. I just got done reading Dr. Emanuel's (yes, Rahm's brother) book, "Healthcare, Guaranteed". I highly recommend it. 1) It's interesting. 2) It's post-partisan. An alternative way to go, in other words.

  9. Mr. Slade: Did you know that the cancer survival rate in your country varies widely state to state, and according to income and race? Your chance of surviving is very much related to whether you can get the care you need. And in your country, that's not evenly (or fairly) distributed.

    Private clinics opening up in droves? Funny, I haven't notice any in my neighbourhood. Must be opening up *in droves* elsewhere.

    If you indeed are a former military man, you got government health care. Was it really so bad? Why would you want to deny health care to your fellow citizens? Looks like a case of I've-got-mine-and-to-hell-with-everyone-else.

  10. If you indeed are a former military man

    from: Scent of a woman

    Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade [played by](Al Pacino), a cantankerous middle-aged man who lives with his niece and her family, and who is now blind, alcoholic, eccentric, and nearly impossible to get along with.

    In other words a totally fictional character.

    Like most of crusty's sock puppets have been.

  11. *chuckle* Thanks for the info, clif.

    Here's a video that could educate ill-informed U.S. residents: Real Canadians.

    Here's one celebrating the U.S.'s great standing in the world of health care: We're Number 37.

  12. He accused me of selective left-wing memory, Clif. LOL

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I said I was a liberal months before I said I was a moderate. And I'm still a liberal on many, MANY issues. Yes, the "comment" was about Keith Olbermann (who I do not like, Clif, I'm sorry). I was talking about the liberal feelings I had at the time I said that I was a liberal. Those feelings were predominantly because of the war. If you take the time to read my early posts, Clif, you'll see that a huge % of them were criticisms of the war/Bush's handling of it. Sorry to introduce the facts to you.

  15. What an arrogant son of a bitch you are. You claim to know more about a person's political sentiments than the person himself. Can you say personality disorder?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. The only thing you've exposed, Clif, is your paranoia and idiocy. I have never in my life been accused of what you're saying. But, please, feel free to delude yourself.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I meant, Clif, in my actual life. Not in that little/virtual existence in which you and Bartlebee exchange conspiracy theories. Yes, I said that I was a liberal (in an exchange I had totally forgotten about), only to months later say that I was a moderate. And from THIS you conclude that I'm a closet right-winger? This is my unpardonable sin? My God, Clif, get a life!

  20. GR8 debate between North Americans here on healthcare reform. Way to go, Stimson! And Clif: major league creds for making
    Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade

  21. BostonMaggie, are you implying that undocumented aliens are not getting free (to them) medical care now? That's what I inferred from your comment.


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