Sunday, September 13, 2009

Low Art

Let me just say something about President Obama - briefly. He, in my opinion, is an extremely honorable person/American. He's also a good, decent, and respectful family man. And, yes, folks, I really and truly wish that guys like Hannity and Limbaugh would give him a break. I mean, sure, I know that they have some issues with him and all but, come on, this has almost gotten pathological. Compare this to even guys like Lou Dobbs and O'Reilly. While I'm sure that these guys aren't totally in love with Obama, either, at least they come up for air once in a while...............................................................................And it's not just the constancy of it. It's the hyperbole, too. I mean, my God. There making it sound like Obama is single-handedly bringing on the "end of days". And, please, don't get me wrong here. I have some issues with Obama, too; runaway spending, his build-up in Afghanistan, "don't ask/don't tell", etc.. But I do try to be respectful. I certainly try not to demonize the man. Kind of like I said before, I think he's a good one.


  1. Will, I posted this comment over at "our" place, but wanted to thank you for making me more aware of classical liberalism. Sorry I haven't visited more often. I had a blog fest for the last two days.


    Prior to the 20th century, classical liberalism was the dominant political philosophy in the United States. It was the political philosophy of Thomas Jefferson and the signers of the Declaration of Independence and it permeates the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Federalist Papers and many other documents produced by the people who created the American system of government. Many of the emancipationists who opposed slavery were essentially classical liberals, as were the suffragettes, who fought for equal rights for women.

    Wow, that's quite a nice comment, Will. I never knew how to explain my perspective. I like this a lot. Your comment was a real eye-opener; although I'm sure I'm not in the same league with Thomas Jefferson...

  2. Thomas Jefferson, maybe not, but you'll definitely do in a pinch. LOL P.S. I also prefer traditional conservatives (George Will, Christopher Buckley) over neocons. I guess I'm a retro-player in that regard, too.


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