Thursday, September 3, 2009

Someday Someday Comes

Chris Matthews made a point last night that I totally agree with (and have actually been knocking around in my own head for weeks). He said that President Obama has basically painted himself into a corner regarding Afghanistan. As part of an effort to 1) distance himself from Bush and 2) show that he himself was just as strong on defense as the Republicans, Matthews posits that Obama took to concocting this "good war" strategy. The only problem? Now that Obama actually IS president, he has to follow through (or at least he thinks that he does) - i.e., try and go out and win this Afghanistan war......................................................................................And the frustrating thing, folks, Obama isn't at all a stupid man. He had/has to have known the wretchedness of that particular region - the fate that has previously befallen lots and lots of other powers; the French, the Brits, the Soviets, etc.. It's like, what, he never thought that he'd ultimately have act on this particular promise or something. I don't for the life of me understand it........................................................................................As for all of this talk about the economy potentially being Mr. Obama's downfall (if in fact he ever ultimately has one), I respectfully say no. If this president ends up in the dustpan of American history, mark my word, it'll be because of Afghanistan.

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