Sunday, September 20, 2009

Some Great Movie Lines

"All train compartments....smell vaguely of shit....(barely perceptible chuckle) It gets so you don't mind."....Al Pacino, "Glengarry Glen Ross"....."Eddie! Your mother! She smells like carpet cleaner!"....Mickey Rourke, "Barfly"....."You're like a cookie filled with arsenic. I'd like to take a bite out of you."....Burt Lancaster, "Sweet Smell of Success"....."You can't put fancy clothes on an ape and make him your dancing partner (to which he is immediately slapped by Julie Harris)."....Jackie Gleason, "Requiem for a Heavyweight"....."!!"....George C. Scott, "The Hustler"....."Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night."....Betty Davis, "All About Eve"....."It's a madhouse, a MADHOUSE!!"....Charlton Heston, "Planet of the Apes"....."Go round up the usual suspects.".....Claude Rains, "Casablanca"............................................................................If I can think of any more, I'll share them later.


  1. Paul Newman:If he goes for his gun,shoot him.

    Kid: in the back?

    Newman,dryly: I'll ask him to turn around.


  2. Paul Newman and Richard Boone. Excellent flick! FYI, it was Paul Newman who was on the receiving end of that, "!"

  3. Claire Bloom: I don't care how hungry I was.I'd never eat dog.

    Paul Newman: You'd eat it and suck the bones dry.

    yeah,great flick.

  4. "Foodfight!!!"

    John Belushi

    Animal House

  5. Claire Bloom was in that, too? She was hot!....Good one, anonymous. I kind of like what Belushi said to the guy after the guy wrecked his brothers car, too; "I suggest you drink....HEAVILY."

  6. "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."

    more Animal House with John Vernon as Dean Wurmer.

    yeah Clair Bloom was the Indian Agents wife which brings up another Hombre line between Frank Silvera and Newman:

    "You would leave this beautiful woman to die out here?"

    "She don't mean nothin' to me" and later:

    "Ask her if she'd eat dog now".

  7. That was my second favorite line from Animal House. And wasn't that right before he threw up on the guy? LOL Hombre, I gotta rent that.


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