Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Worse Than AWOL

As funny as it might be watching this fellow twist in the wind a little longer, I'm really starting to think that it's time/past time. Yeah, that's right, folks, I'm talking about Governor Sanford. The fellow needs to step down. And he needs to step down NOW! He's a disgrace and an embarrassment. And, no, I'm not even necessarily talking about his philandering (though, yes, this is clearly troublesome, too). I'm talking about the fact that he left his post....and didn't even tell anybody!! He basically walked off the job, for Christ!! It's inexcusable and, yes, in virtually every part of the real world that I'm familiar with, it's something that'll get you fired, too. Quickly.


  1. At some point a dog has to be put down.
    Of course it doesn't want to be put down, but it's the kind humane thing to do to stop suffering all the way around.
    Hence I'm disappointed in the states legislature.

  2. The Lt. Governor wants him out. But that's probably only because he wants the job.


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