Thursday, August 27, 2009

No Prompting Necessary

You don't have to completely agree with somebody to respect them. Bear witness to that recent footage of Senators Graham and McCain coming out of an office building. They spot Senator Kennedy in car and immediately stop dead in their tracks. They both give him some "thumbs up" and after that saluted them. It was, I'm telling you, as moving a piece of video as I've ever seen (they didn't know that they were being filmed). And, yes, folks, so, too, does it represent the better part of our system; President Truman bringing Hoover back to the White House, etc..


  1. One of my favorite bloggers is a hard-core conservative. Her political perspective certainly goes absolute 180 degrees (well, maybe 160) to mine...

    When I read your comment,You don't have to completely agree with somebody to respect them, I thought of the documentary "14 Women," about the 14 female senators that meet once a month and exchange ideas across party lines. (Much of the credit for the increasing power of women in the Senate belongs to VP Joe Biden.)

    My other thought were two comments my conservative friend made: (1) You can't learn anything in a vacuum, and (2) often, friendship transcends politics.

    For this reason, I visit sites ranging from ultra-conservative to ultra-liberal. I'm not so secretly respectful of Eisenhower, although I would have voted for the brilliant scholar, Adlai Stevenson. That presidential race was a win-win situation.

    It's too bad that many Republicans today cannot learn from their party's history.

  2. I bet I can name a few other Stella Republicans; Jacob Javits, Chuck Percy, Ed Brooke, Lowell Weicker (he was kind of a pompous ass, though LOL), Dick Schweicker, The Chaffees (father and son). Am I getting close?


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