Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dear Mr. O'Reilly

While I've clearly commended you for your not quite being the paranoid stooge you used to be, I also think it's fair to say that you're not exacly out of the woods yet, either. Take, for example, this latest charge of yours that President Obama is actually waging some sort of war against Fox News. I mean, Bill, I know how you like to put yourself at the center of the universe and all but, come on, this in fact sounds extremely peculiar. It's like, what, the President makes a handful of criticisms (mostly legitimate ones; Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Fox and Friends, etc.) pertaining to Fox and, boom, this constitutes some sort of big news story? I mean, I don't know how the rest of the people feel about this but, me - I think you may in fact be on the verge of losing it again. You really need to know the symptoms, my friend. You really and truly need to know them.

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