Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Underrated Part of Teddy's Legacy

Laura Ingraham made what I felt was a hugely erroneous comment last night (8/25/09). It happened on The O'Reilly Factor and, yes, it pertained to one Senator Ted Kennedy. She said that Senator Kennedy WASN'T a compromiser, that he DIDN'T have a penchant to reach across the aisle. I mean, talk about being wrong on both counts. On virtually EVERY ONE of his major legislative initiatives, Senator Kennedy not only sought out but FOUND Republican co-sponsors (Dan Quayle, for Christ sakes!). He was always trying to work across the aisle....................................................................................Now, this isn't to say that Kennedy's overall emphasis wasn't a liberal/partisan one. It probably was. But, really, to say that this was a man who didn't look to compromise is ludicrous. Laura Ingraham should absolutely make a correction here.

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