Friday, August 7, 2009

My New Favorite Quote

"Whoever could make two ears of corn grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would deserve better of mankind, and do more essential service to his country, than the whole race of politicians put together." Jonathan Swift....Wow, huh? Talk about a swift (no pun intended) kick in the butt to all of those self-righteous bastards on both sides of the aisle. A full-fledged frigging bulls-eye - period!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm not a politician, Clif. Though, yes, he was no doubt talking about partisan stooges (like you) in the civilian ranks as well.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That's bald-faced lie, Clif. I have written literally dozens of posts that have been hugely critical of the Iraq war/Bush's handling of it. I have written countless more posts that have been critical of consevatives in the media. And I have been more than extremely fair to President Obama. I have never criticized him for the Reverand Wright stuff, the Bill Ayers stuff, the Tony Rezko stuff. I have never called Obama a socialist. I have never called him a racist. I applauded his handling of the Somali pirate situation. But, yes, when he does something that I disagree with, I do in fact put those opinions forward. Like why in the hell hasn't he gotten rid of "don't ask, don't tell"? As a LIBERAL (yes, I'm very much still a liberal on social issues) on matters such as this, his inaction here troubles me. It doesn't trouble you, Clif?

  5. I'm for expanding Medicaid to provide coverage to the working poor (those who don't have insurance), Clif. Is that right-wing crap? I think it was wrong for Limbaugh to make those far-fetched comparisons between Adolph Hitler and Obama. Is that right-wing crap? When O'Reilly had that long fued with John Edwards, I wrote 5-6 posts that were supportive of Senator Edwards. Was that right-wing crap? I mean, I could go on all night but it's pointless. You only believe what you want to believe, Cliffy. It's a part of your sickness, apparently.

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  7. Oh Clif, you're back after my first comment on Will's blog in months. You have just exposed your ignorance. Note that the quote is by Jonathan Swift from Gulliver's Travels Book III, "A Voyage to La Puta." If "gutless freaking crybaby" is the best retort you can manager, I pity you.

    And as for you, Will, I think my blogging break is over. I'm smiling because the first quote on which I'm honored to comment is Swift. I love this quote.

    I hope to write more consistently from here on.


  8. Welcome back, Stella. You don't think I'm a right-winger, do you? LOL I did vote for George H.W. Bush in '88. But since then I've voted for Perot, Perot, Nader, Kerry, and Obama. And I voted for Ned Lamont for Senate in '06 (over Leiberman and that sacrificial lamb Republican). Not exactly a reliable right-winger, in other words.

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  10. I Occasionally see Luntz and Castellanos on TV. I agree with them sometimes. Sometimes I don't. I've never been to either of their web-sites, however. I didn't even know that they had web-sites. The Lewin Group? I've never even heard of the Lewin Group, for Christ's sakes. As for talking-points, Cliffy, THAT is purely and simply your domain. Every single thing you've ever said is right down the line liberal. Not once have I ever heard you deviate.

  11. I applauded Obama for his overturning of Bush's ban on federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research. Was that yet another example of a right-wing talking point? How 'bout the fact that I supported Sotomayor, Cliffy? What about that one? I commended Obama for his selection of Gates and Jones. Even Hillary (after the initial shock left me), so, too, was that a decent appointment. Compare this to Hank Paulsen, who I called the worst Secretary of the Treasury in U.S. history. Why not look at all the evidence, bozo?

  12. Will, you're an independent that likes to look at all sides of the issue. I've finally figured out that I'm an independent progressive. You don't need to defend yourself on your own blog. I have a gadfly also. I take great pleasure in clicking the trashcan icon when I receive such comments.

    I note that clif made no comment about Swift's quote except incomprehensible rubbish. If I may provide some advice, please remember that you can't reason with a fanatic. Swift termed Daniel Defoe “a stupid illiterate scribbler.” Defoe wrote pamphlets denigrating Swift all his life: Swift never deigned to respond. Probably, because he believed: “It is useless to attempt to reason a man out of a thing he was never reasoned into”

    This quote has far less to do with partisan politics than to point out that people who farm the soil and grow crops give far more to humanity than politicians. I make a point to read blogs from the very far left to the very far right.

    Civil dissent always teaches us something. That presumes, of course, that one would want to learn something. It's good to be back reading Contra O'Reilly.

  13. To be little more hip, how about this one from Sting, "There is no political solution to our troubled evolution." For the kids, I'm saying. LOL Thanks for the kind comments.

  14. Stella, where do you post now? At Swiftspeech? Vigilante?

  15. "LOL I did vote for George H.W. Bush in '88. But since then I've voted for Perot, Perot, Nader, Kerry, and Obama."

    And so did AND I voted for Reagan TWICE, but YOU label me LIBERAL Will.

    A few issues this way or that don't make one moderate, liberal or conservative.
    And there is no such thing as an independent in a polar system.


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