Friday, August 7, 2009

Mobs, Slobs, and Partisan Fools

I totally agree with Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow that the protesters at these town hall meetings need to be more respectful/act dignified, that they shouldn't be shouting people down, etc.. And, yes, I also tend to agree with them that a lot of what's going on at these events (certainly not all of it, maybe not even most of it, but certainly some of it) is canned/organized, promoted by corporate special interests. But what I don't agree with is this notion of theirs that the rudeness and incivility that's out there is purely and strictly a conservative thing. It isn't...............................................................................I mean, I literally feel like asking them, "Folks, where in the hell were you when the "Minutemen" were getting shouted down at Columbia, when conservative commentator (oh, alright, firebrand) Ann Coutler faced a largely similar situation at UConn?.................................................................................And, yes, even on these secondary charge that the anti-Obama protests are "organized", seriously, couldn't this very same charge be leveled against the left (Code Pink, the AFL-CIO, etc.)? I mean, come on, folks, let's face it here. We've got a shitload of people working off of playbooks in Washington. It isn't even remotely a partisan thing, period!....................................................................................P.S. You do see what I'm saying here, right; different yard-sticks for different interest groups/agendas? And, yes, me-buckos, clearly, the Republicans are just as frigging slippery/hypocritical up the poop-shoot as the Democrats. That is definitely NOT an issue.


  1. "purely and strictly a conservative thing"

    Aside from you I hadn't seen anyone claim it was. Strawman argument alert

  2. If you listen to Olbermann and Maddow, that's the impression that one plainly gets.

  3. Not one, I'd say maybe some and impressions are purely subjective.

    I rarely watch them myself, there are better sources of informative 'entertainment', like Charlie Rose.

  4. Keith Olbermann couldn't carry Charlie Rose's pencil.

  5. Maybe, but they operate in two very different worlds.
    Rose would be canceled in 3 weeks on a commercial environment.

  6. You're probably right. But Ted Koppell (who I thought was excellent) had a very long run. The taste of the public is very finicky.


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