Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Future Classic

Has anybody had the chance to see that recent Paul Krugman video (on youtube)? The guy (who was evidently attending some conference that was pro single-payer health care) turns to the audience and asks them, "So, how many of you folks are Canadian?" The audience (seemingly anxious to reply) quickly provided Professor Krugman seven raise hands. He then asked these same individuals, "How many of you folks think that the Canadian health-care system is lousy?" Their response? Well, let's just say that those same seven people continued to keep their hands up. Oops!...............................................................................Now, of course, this is entirely anecdotal. It takes more than seven homogeneous people at one location to construct a valid study. But, still, it was embarrassing/more than sufficient enough to put a fair amount of egg on good Mr. Krugman's face. Look before you leap, I guess.


  1. Health Care has always been a lousy service in many countries :)


  2. I'm not sure what the answer is. Every plan seems to have some drawbacks.


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