Saturday, August 8, 2009

Here We Go Again

I've recently been advised that Mr. Limbaugh is now comparing Obama/his administration to Hitler/Nazi Germany. "It is them who are the fascists" - this, he apparently utters with gusto to his listeners............................................................................Now, please, don't get me wrong. Mr. Limbaugh is certainly entitled to this opinion and others but, yes, so, too, are we (on the listening end) free and clear to condemn him for it. I mean, I don't know about you folks, but, in my opinion, Hitler comparisons are never, EVER, justified (I didn't even like it when Hussein got compared to Hitler). All they frigging do is cheapen the political dialogue/the very acts of Hitler themselves..............................................................................As to those of you who say that Mr. Limbaugh has himself been on the receiving end of similar such nasty comparisons, six little words of wisdom here; two wrongs never make a right.


  1. If it were only Limbaugh it would be one thing, but it's also Beck, Hannity, Lou Dobbs and every other right wing mouth piece out there - not just some fringe element or pop entertainer or six.

    The right has gone bat shit insane and are heading down the road of madness.

  2. It's good to see guys like Powell stand up to them. It's too bad that there aren't more.

  3. When he supported Obama, they tossed him out of the revival tent.
    As far as`I've heard from the high and mighty in the Republican party, they no longer consider Powell a Republican.

  4. And that's too bad Will.

    If they'd listen to me I'd give ALL the RINO's their walking papers.

    Starting with McCain and his twit daughter.

  5. And really wasn't this all started with Bela Pelosi seeing swastika's at all the town hall meetings?

    I know you hate the Nazi references Will, but the left has been doing it for many years now. Just look at Lydia's board for an example.

    If you draw a Hitler mustache on a conservative it's funny. If you draw one on Obambi you need to be locked up.

  6. Oh and by "started" I mean conservative commentators giving it back.

    The left drew first blood years ago.

  7. I would love to see a vital third party, Volt. England has one. Israel has one. Why not us? I actually kind of like McCain's daughter. A little chunky....but spunky!

  8. Oh, and, yes, Cliffy and co. are the kings of Nazi comparisons. No argument from me on that one. LOL


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