Saturday, August 15, 2009

Missed Information

I don't know how the rest of you folks feel. But, in my opinion, President Obama is a fundamentally decent man/solid citizen. And, yes, I think that he's coming from a fundamentally good place, too. But I'm also telling you 'all, that when the President went in front of that town hall and admonished his critics for spreading "misinformation", only to do the same thing himself (saying that the AARP was endorsing the Congress's plan, when in fact they hadn't), he really ended up mortgaging some credibility.............................................................................And, yes, when you end up coupling that with all of the fumbling and bumbling that his press-secretary (an increasingly hapless Robert Gibbs) had to do in terms of damage control, it was in fact a setback for the President. Who knows, folks, maybe there is a reason for that teleprompter after all.................................................................................P.S. It also appears that there may have been a planted question at that town hall meeting. That little girl who asked the President that extremely hospitable question, it seems as if her mother is a strong supporter of Mr. Obama. This little scenario isn't going to help the administration, either.


  1. (saying that the AARP was endorsing the Congress's plan, when in fact they hadn't)

    Actually they do, with qualifications.
    Part of the problem with what you say, is there is no ONE Congressional plan and the President even said so at the same TH you are citing.

    Lack of honesty falls more to the "Death Panel" crowd.

  2. It was enough of a mistake for Gibbs to have to admit that the President misspoke.

  3. And for the AARP to correct the President the next day. As for the "death panels", Palin seriously damaged herself with that one.

  4. I'm glad someone finally said something about Robert Gibbs - within my hearing at least. WTF did they find this loser? As a spokesman, he's about as credible and persuasive as your average Republic Congressman or Senator. This guy should be 86-ed ASAP.

  5. Palin and a raft of others that STILL agree with her.

    I'm sick of the whole argument.
    All that's needed and deserved if heavy regulation of the two industries.
    They've violated the trust of the American people.


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