Monday, August 10, 2009

Fibrous Hatred

"Arise o sons of Arabia. Fight for your sacred rights. Slaughter Jews wherever you find them. Their spilled blood pleases Allah, our history and religion. That will save our honor."....Haj Amin al-Husseini (The Grand Mufti) 1944...........................................................................Nah, there's no deep-seeded hatred of the Jews by the Palestinians. Not at all..................................................................................Oh, and to those of you think that this little ditty wasn't/isn't representative, get a load of this, me-bucks. Subsequently (in 1948), the National Palestinian Council actually saw fit to elect this SOB as its president. And, yes, get this, too. At that time he was a wanted/despicable war criminal(declared so at Nuremberg) living in exile in Egypt. It appears, folks, that Mr. Husseini was actually complicit with Hitler/the Nazis during the war years....................................................................................And not only was this lunatic popular in the 40s. He continued to be popular with subsequent generations of Arab/Palestinian leaders. Frigging Arafat himself practically kissed the ground that this shit-head traversed upon. Youza, huh?..........................................................................................P.S. And, really, this is the mind-set that the civilized world has to negotiate with? Lottsa luck with that, me-buckos.


  1. I'll check back, but you really should propose some form of action to bring about a positive result and not just slam those who do.

  2. It appears, folks, that Mr. Husseini was actually complicit with Hitler/the Nazis during the war You are right, Will, but so was Prescott Bush.

    I like 1138. S/he knows how to convey volumes of knowledge in a few words. Wish I had that talent.

    She asks the most important question of all: what are we going to do about the issues? I don't have an answer to the miasma tht has become our world.

    I focus on small changes—volunteering for Barbara Boxer and also Jerry Brown's campaign to become California's Governor in 2010. Right now, that's my small solution to many larger issues.

  3. Husseini was far worse than Prescott Bush, Averill Harriman, and Joe Kennedy combined. He actually was accused of being a war criminal by the Nuremburg prosecutors. And, in the event that the Nazis won the war, he had elaborate plans for an Auschwitz style facility in Palestine. One of the most vile anti-Semites who ever lived.

  4. I "propose" that we continue and try to work for a peaceful accomodation in the Middle-East. With people like the mufti, Arafat, and Hamas, however, I'm not exactly holding my breath.

  5. Arafat had come around. The extreme parts of the PLO couldn't accept that.

    ""Arise o sons of Arabia. Fight for your sacred rights. Slaughter Jews wherever you find them. Their spilled blood pleases Allah, our history and religion. That will save our honor."....Haj Amin al-Husseini (The Grand Mufti) 1944."

    And rhetoric from the Jewish side said the same thing about the original residents.
    There are two pools of hate in this issue. Adding to it, with more antisemitic noise won't help.

  6. Deir Yassin massacre

    It wasn't done without the same spirit you've expressed against the Jewish Semites.

    Original residents, Jewish immigrants bought some land, even raising money here in the US to do so.


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