Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sean, Sean, Sean

I get such a kick out of Sean Hannity's "great, great, great" American panel. Just the other night (8/12/09), for example, the panel consisted of Hannity himself, Ann Coulter, a Republican strategist (never saw her before), and Democratic strategist, Pat Caddell. It was three against one, in other words. And when you take into account the fact that Mr. Caddell hasn't said a good about his own party for going on five years now, it was basically unanimous.............................................................................P.S. Not that any of this should be surprising, mind you. Fox, in general, and Mr. Hannity, in particular, are very good at creating these Harlem Globetrotters/Washington Generals type scenarios. And, so, too, is Mr. Hannity very selective in picking out his liberal cohorts, adversaries, punching-bags/lackeys. I mean, he did pick Alan Colmes, didn't he?


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