Friday, July 10, 2009

Not All Parachutes Open, Apparently

According to a recent Quinnipiac Poll, President Obama's approval ratings have dipped below 50% in Ohio. Several polls in Virginia are showing similar numbers for the President. I don't know, that sounds like a pretty damned interesting news story to me. I mean, don't you think so?........................................................................Well, according to Keith Olbermann, it just doesn't quite cut it. It appears that Mr. Olbermann only covers the President's approval ratings when they're of a more robust nature. But, please, don't despair, my friends. He's more than made up for it by covering the plummeting ratings of yet another famous politician. Yep, you got it. Now that the beleaguered (and, yes, now former) Alaska governor's popularity is waning (the biggest reduction in hers emanating from within the independent ranks), Olbermann is absolutely cheap-suiting THAT situation...........................................................................And he's criticizing the fact that Palin resigned. It's like, what (I felt like asking the genius), would you have felt better if she had STAYED in office? I mean, seriously, if she's such an insipid and ineffectual leader, isn't it in fact better that she DOES step down?...........................................................................I don't know, folks, it just seems that whatever this woman ends up doing with her life (even if she finds a cure for cancer, I'm saying!), Olbermann will find a way to dis her on it. Kind of like what Hannity does with the President.


  1. I don't watch Olbermann that much. (Only while I'm waiting for Rachel.)

    What is really at issue here is the judgment of Republicant voters: they thought The Palin was qualified to be President (as well as the old fool who said he was happy to run with her).

  2. I blame McCain entirely, Vig. He picked a person totally unprepared for the spot-light. And he did it strictly for a cheap political advantage (at least what he thought was one at the time). Very disappointed in McCain.

  3. All things considered, President Obamas ratings are pretty darned good.
    Not "cratered" as Fake News ca;;s them.

  4. I hope Obama's ratings stay high. That would probably mean that the country's doing well.

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  6. It was a bad pick, Clif. No question. But I wasn't going to vote for him anyway. As for the dementia thing, I think I'll wait for the official diagnosis.

  7. I'm a little disappointed in Obama, too. But, yes, that's another story, all-together.

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  9. Chuck Hagel learned the right lesson from Vietnam. McCain and Bush, the wrong one.

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