Thursday, July 9, 2009

Quid Pro....Not So Fast, My Friend!

On this evening's "Hannity", the intrepid reporter shared some rather interesting data with us. He sited, specifically, a statistic which shows that counties that voted for Obama, when all is said and done, will ultimately receive twice as much stimulus money as those that voted for McCain..............................................................................Wow, huh? Well, at least that was my initial reaction to the numbers. After a few minutes, I started thinking, gee, could there possibly be one or two other distinctions going on here? Like, for instance, what are the populations of these counties? Democratic areas tend to be more densely populated. Wouldn't it stand to reason that the counties which Obama carried would also have more people? I don't know, to me, a much more fair and square analysis would be to look at this trend more from a per capita perspective. Are these Obama leaning counties getting more stimulus money per capita? If in fact Mr. Hannity can provide me some compelling numbers along these lines, then, yes, maybe I'll listen to him. As it stands now, I'm at least a little skeptical.

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