Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nimero Uno on Route 1

If you're ever passing through Connecticut, and you only have the time to visit one of our 169 towns, might I strongly recommend the village of Guilford. It is an absolutely beautiful town, steeped in history, and it's right off of Route 1............................................................................First of all, there's that lovely and expansive green of theirs. It's totally awesome. In fact, folks, Guilford probably has the most beautiful (not to mention, fascinating) town green in all of New England (stiff competition obviously abounding - Salem Mass, Keene New Hampshire, Brattelboro Vermont, etc., etc.). And it isn't just the beauty and/or the size of it. Affixed to the green on all four sides are shops, cafes/restauants, churches, historic homes, all sorts of interesting diversions. I mean, seriously, you can literally spend an entire afternoon there; lounging, exploring, whatever you want!.......................................................................And, no, me-buckos, it isn't all that touristy, either. That I find to be extremely appealing. That along with the loads and loads of free public parking. Just try and compare THAT to Salem Mass...............................................................................P.S. I should probably also mention that the women are extremely hot in Guilford. This, as an inducement for the husbands out there.


  1. Come on, Hart! Pictures! Photos! Why are you so cheap? I need my fix on NE summer scenery!

  2. I'll work on it, Vig. Unfortunately, I'll need my friend to come over and help me with it. I'm very low tech, you see.


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