Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cocky, Deceptive, and Stupid - That's No Way to Go Through Life, Son

The thing that I most want to know about Fox's Sean Hannity is this. When the fellow puts forth one of those deceptive story lines of his (some would prefer to call them talking points and, yes, I'm totally fine with that), is he purposefully trying to deceive the audience with them (lie, in other words)? OR, is it more along the lines of him simply being an idiot/true believer?................................................................................Me, I have to admit it, folks, in the beginning, I actually thought that it was the latter. This, I'm saying, in that, truly, all you really have to do is listen to the fellow. I think it's pretty obvious that he isn't a rocket-scientist. But, yes,I then started thinking more about it. It isn't just him who bears responsibility for that show. I mean, doesn't he also have writers, producers, program directors - all sorts of folks like that propping him up? They all can't be frigging knuckle-draggers, for Christ!............................................................................I don't know, to me, it's really starting to look more like a coordinated effort here. I mean, seriously, don't you think so?..............................................................................P.S. This, of course, isn't to imply that Mr. Hannity ISN'T an idiot. He obviously can be - and frequently. All that I'm trying to say here is that, yes, he is an idiot. But he's also an idiot who's capable of lying. The worst of both worlds, in other words.

1 comment:

  1. I should probably provide an example of what I'm talking about here. Take global-warming. You know how Mr. Hannity is always trying to not just question the phenomenon of global-warming but to discreddit it as well? Well, just last Friday, he pointed to this little piece of evidence. It appears that this one small town in Wisconsin (I think it was Wisconsin) recently had a day that was the coolest on record. Mr. Hannity took this little piece of evidence to mean that global-warming MUST be a crock. Yep, that's right, one cool day in one tiny town and, ergo, the entirety of the theory is bullcrap. Of course, he also took yet another gratuitous swipe at Al Gore - just for good measure.......................................It's like, look, folks, I have no idea if global-warming is real or it isn't. I have even less of a notion of what's frigging causing it (if in fact it does exist). My only point is that Mr. Hannity is adding NOTHING to the discusssion here. He's only giving us anecdotes, nothing more.


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