Thursday, June 25, 2009

What Do You Say We ALL Keep Our Powder Dry Here?

Ann Coulter actually made a pretty decent point last week. She reminded us of how liberals (after 9/11) were quick to point out that we, as a society, shouldn't stereotype Muslims. She then compared that to how these same liberals are acting now - i.e., running absolutely roughshod over the pro-life movement; specifically, stereotyping THEM, etc................................................................................Now, obviously, being that it's Ann Coulter doing the talking here, so, too, was there a certain degree of hyperbole involved. Clearly, not ALL liberals are doing this. And even some of the ones who have been vocal, have also been quick to point out the distinction between the legitimate pro-life movement and wackos.............................................................................But think about it, folks. If you're going to go around condemning Bill O'Reilly for the lunatic who killed Dr. Tiller, shouldn't you also condemn the 95% of the Saudis, ages 25-40, who supported Osama bin Laden in 2001 (Globes, April 26, 2005)....or all of those Palestinians who did their victory dances as the towers came tumbling down? I'm just asking.


  1. And the answer is no.
    Quite the straw man you attempted to build there, in cooperation with Mr. Coulter.

  2. I thought that there was a germ of a point in what she said. As for being "in cooperation" with her, no. I tend not to cooperate with anybody.


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