Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sabreless Rattling

I have to admit it, folks. Even after everything that's happened recently, I still have a fair level of respect for McCain. I respect his service to the country and, yes, the fact that he hasn't just talked bipartisanship but walked the walk, as well. But on this Iranian situation, I have to tell you, in my opinion, he is flat-out wrong. The United States of America has ZERO credibility in Iran (our unquestioning support of the Shah, the fact that we supported Saddam Hussein in the Iran-Iraq War, all of that "Axis of Evil" nonsense talk by President Bush, etc.)......................................................................And, besides, what does Senator McCain mean when he says that the Iranian people need to know that we're standing with them? In 1991, the first President Bush (in what was one of his FEW foreign policy blunders) led the Iraqi Shiites to believe that we were "standing with THEM". And, yeah, that's right, folks, they ended up getting slaughtered, roasted on a shishkabob, etc.. Obama is absolutely the clearer thinking person here. At least that's the way I see it.


  1. McCain knows better and is behaving as a political spoiler at the expense of national security.

    "I still have a fair level of respect for McCain"

    Based on my statement above I'd rethink that. McCain is behaving as an opportunist, not a statesman, officer, or patriot.

  2. On this issue, I tend to agree. For a man who portends to know a lot about foreign policy, he does tend to oversimplify a lot.


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