Friday, June 26, 2009

Perfect Shmerfect

I'm watching the Michael Jackson coverage, right. And they're interviewing this record producer who used to work with Jackson. They asked him, "So, how would you go about describing Michael Jackson as an artist?" The producer responded by saying that Mr. Jackson was a "perfectionist"...........................................................................Well, let's just say that I pretty much lost it at that point. I mean, I know that the poor bastard just frigging died and all but, really, think about it here. If repeating the words, "I'm bad", 80-90 times during the course of some mediocre pop song is somehow perfection, wouldn't you really much prefer to stay imperfect, flawed, etc.? I sure as hell know that I would..........................................................................And the fact that the media itself is doing a one-eighty here - kind of like they did with Richard Nixon. Remember after Nixon died - they were frigging talking about him like he was Washington, Lincoln, and the two Roosevelts combined? Well, that's exactly what they're doing with Michael Jackson. I mean, it was just a couple of years ago, for Christ sakes - he was constantly being made fun of (wacko-Jacko), hit like a pinata with a rush of these child-abuse charges, etc.. This, I'm saying, but, no, now he's suddenly a wonderful man again. Give me a frigging break. Maybe a little real news, too.


  1. "Remember after Nixon died - they were frigging talking about him like he was Washington, Lincoln, and the two Roosevelts combined?"

    Nope don't remember them talking about Mr. Watergate like that.
    Nixon who negotiated with China while China tortured US prisoners in North Vietnam deserves not one word of praise from anyone - ever.

  2. I'm not saying he deserved the praise. I just seem to remember the post-death coverage being a little overly generous to him, that's all.

  3. Anything positive would have been "overly generous".

  4. Nixon was paranoid freak of nature and, yes, a very bad president. No argument here.

  5. Will You Be There
    by Michael Jackson

    Hold Me
    Like The River Jordan
    And I Will Then Say To Thee
    You Are My Friend

    Carry Me
    Like You Are My Brother
    Love Me Like A Mother
    Would You Be There?

    Tell Me Will You Hold Me
    When Wrong, Will You Skold Me
    When Lost Will You Find Me?

    But They Told Me
    A Man Should Be Faithful
    And Walk When Not Able
    And Fight Till The End
    But I'm Only Human

    Everyone's Taking Control Of Me
    Seems That The World's
    Got A Role For Me
    I'm So Confused
    Will You Show To Me
    You'll Be There For Me
    And Care Enough To Bear Me

    (Hold Me) show me
    (Lay Your Head Lowly)
    told me
    (Softly Then Boldly)
    (Carry Me There)
    I'm Only Human

    (Lead Me)
    hold me
    (Love Me And Feed Me)
    ye yeah
    (Kiss Me And Free Me)
    (I Will Feel Blessed)
    I'm Only Human

    (Carry Me Boldly)
    Carry me
    (Lift Me Up Slowly)
    (Carry Me There)
    I'm Only Human

    (Save Me)
    need me
    (Heal Me And Bathe Me)
    lift me up lift me up
    (Softly You Say To Me)
    (I Will Be There)
    I Will Be There

    (Lift Me)
    i'm gonna care
    (Lift Me Up Slowly)
    (Carry Me Boldly)
    (Show Me You Care)
    Show Me You Care

    (Hold Me)
    (Lay Your Head Lowly)
    i git lonly some times
    (Softly Then Boldly)
    i git lonly
    (Carry Me There)
    yeah yeah carry me there
    yeah yeah yeah
    In Our Darkest Hour
    In My Deepest Despair
    Will You Still Care?
    Will You Be There?
    In My Trials
    And My Tripulations
    Through Our Doubts
    And Frustrations
    In My Violence
    In My Turbulence
    Through My Fear
    And My Confessions
    In My Anguish And My Pain
    Through My Joy And My Sorrow
    In The Promise Of Another Tomorrow
    I'll Never Let You Part
    For You're Always In My Heart.

    "Bad" is the stuff that has passed as "dance music" for decades now - it sells to people who are living, not folks like you and I.


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