Saturday, June 13, 2009

Stripes and Swipes

Why do we constantly have to affix the terms "left" and "right" to all of these murderous lunatics out there? Some whacked-out douche-bag murders an abortion doctor and we automatically have to label him a right-winger? I don't know, folks, that sounds a little politically opportunistic to me. This ass-wipe isn't any more of a plausible member of the right as Lee Harvey Oswald was a plausible member of the left. And to label him so is nothing more than taking advantage of a tragedy......................................................................And the thing is, folks, the conservatives aren't going to simply sit back and take it. For every anti-abortion nut-faced stooge that you throw in their direction, they will in fact counter with something; animal rights extremists, ecoterrorists, etc.. I mean, it could frigging go on forever, I'm thinking.........................................................................My suggestion is that we pretty much stick to the game-plan here. Demonize the evil-doers and, sure, if you also want to take a shot at Limbaugh, Hannity, etc. for occasionally fanning the flame, fine. But to say that some freaked-out lunatic represents one side or the other, I don't know, I really don't think that that accomplishes very much........................................................................But, as usual, I could be totally wrong here.


  1. Well his attacks on Marx clearly keep him out of the left.
    Have to personally read anything he "believed"?
    I have... he was rightwing in my estimation.

    Nothing wrong with labeling a murdering bigot and trying to find the sources of extremest hatred.

  2. And "what" was the guy who killed the army recruiter? How 'bout the Unabomber? In my opinion, these guys are far more lunatic than ideological.

  3. Without a doubt lunatic but they are encouraged and directed by the ideological - almost every one of them.

  4. Well, in that case, couldn't the Unabomber be called a left-winger (based on his environmental views, especially)? Not that I personally would, mind you, but I'm just saying.

  5. "based on his environmental views:"

    environmentalism is not left wing

  6. There's no reference to anti-Semitism in your post.

    If you are now talking about the asshole that murdered a black security guard at the WWII Holocaust in Washington DC, his right wing status comes from the groups he associated with, not simply his anti-Semite status.

  7. A LOT of people equate racism and anti-Semitism with right-wing ideology. If you're not among this group, you're to be commended.


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