Friday, June 12, 2009

The Pile on Palin

Sarah Palin, folks. I'm going to be honest with you here. I personally didn't vote for the woman. First off, I found that her experience, while it wasn't as scant as some of her detractors tried to paint it out to be, was insufficient for national office. Secondly, I found her to be lacking in an intellectual curiosity (certainly not an idiot, mind you, but, still) and rigor - a trait that, yes, after our previous commander in chief, I found to be a little disconcerting. And, finally, I didn't vote for her because of her running mate. This, I'm saying, in that, while I certainly respect Mr. McCain (and in many ways long for his 2000 persona) as a person, his bellicose tone and lack of logic with foreign policy I found very off-putting....................................................................But that was it, folks. I have/had absolutely nothing against Governor Palin personally. In fact, she and her family, while they've certainly had their difficulties over the years, seem like nice people to me. Let's put it another way. I'd rather have them as a neighbor as I would two clowns like Olbermann and O'Reilly. I mean, seriously, folks, can you even begin to imagine living in close proximity to those two guys? I CERTAINLY can't..............................................................................P.S. I should also point out that I had some areas of disagreement with Mrs. Palin on the social issues; gay marriage, abortion, the teaching of evolution, etc.. That was probably a factor in my not having voted for her, too.


  1. There are certainly people out there who would point to Barack Obama's lack of experience, too. A point to which I would have a hard time arguing against - especially now!

  2. The Palin's need to get a leash on Tod. If Sarah is the head of the family, she's the head of the family and he should keep quiet and stick to his AntiAmerican Separatist ways.


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