Saturday, June 13, 2009


I have to admit it, folks. I usually don't find Ann Coulter all that humorous. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that 1) she always seems to have an axe to grind, 2) she tends to think only in terms of black and white, and 3) she's constantly spinning. I mean, sure, the woman can often be amusing (yes, predominantly in a provacative sense) and even entertaining at times. But funny? I don't find her particularly funny....................................................................But, I have to tell you, I did get a chuckle from her this week. She was on one of the Fox shows (Hannity's, I think it was) and they were talking about the Palin-Letterman feud. Ms. Coulter, obviously siding with her fellow conservative hottie here, took it upon herself to take the gloves off quickly in this interview. She went off. And not only did she go off on Letterman himself, she went off on the comedian's wife, too. In Ms. Coulter's inimitable style, she simply asked the interviewer, "So, have you seen THE WIFE?"...........................................................................Yes, folks, I lost it. I mean, I totally lost it. And then the next day, when I actually saw a picture of the wife, I laughed some more. Not that I'm necessarily proud of it, mind you, but, yeah, I totally cracked up. People who live in bowserly houses, I'm gathering.


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