Saturday, June 13, 2009

At Least Ted Baxter was Lovable

Would somebody please ask Keith Olbermann to take his licence out and look at it. And, yes, when I say "look at it", I mean, literally, have him inspect it. Point out specifically that the name on it says, Keith Olbermann, NOT Edward R. Murrow. Not that he's necessarily going to believe what he sees, mind you, but, hey, it's got to be worth an effort here.....................................................................Oh, and if you think that I'm over-exaggerating, think again/watch the son-of-a-bitch for yourself. Seriously, folks, this frigging guy actually thinks he's Edward R. Murrow; the cadence in his voice, the highly charged indignation in his tone, and, yes, YES, YES, YES, especially the way that he turns away from the camera at the end of the show and imitates Murrow, "Good night and good luck." It's creepy, I'm telling you - absolutely creepy...........................................................................P.S. And the thing is, folks, it's extremely hard for me to fathom that Murrow himself would approve of this shit; the way that Mr. Olbermann mocks and imitates people, the fact that he only presents one (namely, his) side of a news story, etc.. In fact, I'd be willing to wager that Mr. Murrow is looking down and cringing, AS WE SPEAK. I sure as hell know that I would be.


  1. "son-of-a-bitch"
    You can't break yourself from denigrating the mothers of other men can you son?

  2. Oh and I think Murrow would quite approve. Olbermann being Edward R. Murrow Award and all. But make no mistake Countdown is an OPINION show, not a news program, even when Olbermann takes the time to show up for taping. Other hosts use it as opinion platform as well.

  3. It is an opinion show. I'll absolutely give you that.


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