Thursday, June 18, 2009

I Gave at the Office

Is Senator Ensign a hypocrite? Of course he is. Anybody who criticizes someone for having an affair with an intern....and then goes out and has an affair with an intern himself, that, my friends, is textbook hypocrisy...............................................................But you know who else is a hypocrite, folks? I'll give you a clue. His name is Joe Biden. Yeah, that's right, THAT Joe Biden. I mean, what else would you call a guy who 1) constantly preaches compassion, 2) made in excess of $300,000, and 3) gave less than $1,000 of that reported income to charity? I'd certainly call him a hypocrite (though, yes, I'd still like to have a beer with him)................................................................I don't know, folks, maybe what the conservatives have been saying about some of these people (i.e., the liberals) is true. Maybe they do like to be generous with other people's money....and not so much with their own. You sure as hell get that idea via these statistics (three tenths of one percent, I believe it works out to be).


  1. Wow, you just equated an adulterer who demanded the heads of others for what he did himself to a man who has been faithful to his family, but frugal with his personal finances.
    The two are completely un related.

  2. It's still hypocrisy. And, gee, wasn't Biden also the guy who said that it was "patriotic" to pay one's taxes - this, while the President nominated oodles of people who didn't? Thought so.

  3. Nonsense you just used it to give a pass to a man who cheated on his wife, family and constituents while giving his little whore promotions and pay raises at public expense.

    You and I paid for his sexual philandering.

  4. I didn't give this guy a pass at all. He's a major-league jerk, period. I included this post because I deal with a lot of left-leaning partisan stooges who think that hypocrisy is only a thing of the right. It was my intention to show them that hypocrisy really doesn't have a political affiliation.

  5. Hypocrisy is a human condition.
    Eliminate humans and you will eliminate the condition - there's no other cure for it.


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