Friday, June 19, 2009

All Anti-Semetic Zionist Pigs, Please Report for Duty

Conservatives have had a major rough go of it lately. And, yes, clearly, a lot of their wounds have been self-inflicted (nation-building in Iraq, deficit spending at home, etc.). But, I'm telling you, on some of the other issues, folks, those poor people just can't seem to win..........................................................................Take, for instance, the conservatives' relationship with Jews. On the one hand, conservatives are constantly accused of being TOO beholding to the Jewish lobby (compared to the far-left, which is very pro-Palestinian). "They're in the tank for Israel." I hear it all the time. This, while, on the other hand (and, yes, very paradoxically), the conservatives also get blamed when some flaming anti-Semitic lunatic goes on some shooting spree. It's like, what, they love the Jews so much that they want to kill them, too? Evidently, huh?

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