Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Brewskis, Anyone?

So, Sean Hannity would like to have a beer with the President, huh? Talk about an interesting proposal. Not that it's ever going to happen, obviously. But, yeah, you've really got to give Mr. Sean Hannity some credit here. THIS is some damn interesting stuff....................................................................Of course, what really cracked me up was when his guest (ex-Senator Thompson's wife, I believe it was) suggested that he keep a running tally of how many days it takes for the president to take him up on his offer. I found this funny, not just because of the absurdity of it (Obama wasting valuable time by spending it with Sean Hannity) but because it brought me back to that bogus proposal of his to be water-boarded......................................................................It's like, yeah (I want to tell him), put up a running tally of how long it takes the President to have a beer with you. You can put it right next to the tally of how long it's taken you to be tortured. And, yes, Mr H., it absolutely is torture. Just ask your conservative buddy, Mancow. He'll tell you exactly what it feels like.


  1. I refuse to either watch or
    listen to Hannity.In my opinion
    he's a one trick pony,always
    screeching the same tired song.
    Although I wonder what the truth
    is about his split with Alan

  2. Hannity's just the reverse of Olbermann. Olbermann blames Bush for everthing that's evil. Hannity blames Obama (who I criticize, too, btw). As for Colmes, he was always kind of just window-dressing. Hannity was the "star".

  3. It's not torture until someone grabs him off the street and holds him against his will while they do it.

  4. That's true. I'd still, however, like to see Mr. Hannity follow through on his promise here.

  5. On his show, he said that he'd be willing to be water-boarded for charity.

  6. Ass holes elected (twice) a president because they thought they could have a beer with them. I could have picked my neighbor around the corner from me (North, South, East or West) whould have done a better job at POTUS than Busheney.

    Hannity? All I can advise is not to watch so much teevee that you have to resort to Faux.


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