Monday, June 8, 2009

How Many Angry Liberals Does it Take to Screw in a Light-Bulb?

Sorry, haven't quite come up with a punch-line for this one yet.


  1. Will,

    Don't you mean screw "up" a light bulb?

    The answer seems to be "all of them".

    I'm thinking of those newish enviro friendly florescent ones that look like a pigs tail and have enough mercury in them to require a hazmat team if you break one...

  2. Food for thought, as always, Volt. As for those light-bulbs you're talking about, the law of unintended consequences again?

  3. 1 and 50 Conservatives standing around telling him it can't be done.

    Incandescent bulb have tungsten filament, tungsten is starting to be investigated and it seems to not be as safe as once thought.

    as for the mercury in a CFL Volt should read *this* before he get all alarmist and afraid of this "new" technology that has been in use in mercury vapor and florescent lights for between 70 and 110 years.
    The amount of mercury is in the single digit milligrams, not hazmat amounts.

  4. Good punch-line, 1138. Partisan as hell but, yes, pretty darn good.

  5. Partisan question, partisan reply.
    Interesting rgat you didn't take the time to note Volts far more partisan reply.

    I's have to say you seem to be partisan concerning my bipartisan answer.

  6. Neither Volt or I care much for angry/mean-spirited liberals. On that issue we completely agree. On a fair number of others, we don't.

  7. Which makes YOU and HE no less PARTISAN.

  8. Volt is a conservative, not necessarily a partisan Republican. Me, I'm basically a cynic who doesn't particularly care for either party. If you read my blog consistently, you'll see that I hammer the right (especially Fox) pretty good, too

  9. And the question IS partisan.

  10. That particular question, yes. The body of my work, no.


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