Sunday, June 7, 2009

Professor Turley, On Sabbatical from Countdown

The claim that Sonia Sotomayor is an intellectual lightweight would clearly seem to be a partisan one. I mean, just look at the individual's credentials, for Christ. She graduated at the top of her class (#2, I believe) at Princeton, went on to Yale Law School, and, yes, has had a distinguished legal career (as a prosecutor, on the bench, etc.), to boot. How could it frigging NOT be partisan?...........................................................................Two words, folks; Jonathan Turley. Yeah, that's right, Professor Turley (not exactly a right-wing partisan, he) has stated that, in his opinion, Sotomayor's legal arguments have been pedestrian, at best. He's also gone on to say that this particular jurist is apparently lacking in a strong and over-arching judicial philosophy. Not exactly a Felix Frankfurter type, in other words...........................................................................Now, does this in any way make me think that people should vote against her? Absolutely not. I mean, even if Professor Turley is accurate here, how many extraordinarily great justices have we truly had? Not a whole head of a lot of 'em, I'm thinking. And like I've said before, Mr. Obama won the election last fall. He has the right to whoever he wants on the bench, period (well, almost period).


  1. The biggest thing I have against her, is her initial appointment to the Federal courts by Bush the older.

  2. Bush Sr.. He ain't looking all that bad these days.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Apples don't fall far from the tree my friend.
    Poppa Bush, Baby Bush... both denied the existence of recessions that crippled the general population during their terms.

  5. Bush Sr. was far from a perfect president. He was, however, far superior to his offspring (especially in terms of foreign policy).

  6. Yeah giving Saddam the nod to invade Kuwait and then launching a war over it was something his son expanded quite a bit.


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