Monday, June 8, 2009

Calling All Hillary Brokers, Please Report to My House

My favorite Clinton scandal of all? That's an easy one, folks. It's got to be the cattle-futures fiasco...................................................................For those of you who don't remember it, Hillary (more than likely operating on some inside information provided by a Tyson Chicken honcho by the name of Jim Blair) purchased ten cattle futures for $1,000 and, yes, when all of that nasty dust settled, left the table with $100,000 - a 10,000% return on her investment...................................................................Of course, what's even more incriminating than that is the fact that Hillary, at a time when her account showed a deficit of $20,000, was never subjected to a margin call. Any other investor at this investment house (and through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange) would have been forced to cough up $137,000 (the margin call of $117,500 plus the $20,000 loss). Not Hillary, though. She was instead allowed to make (actually, somebody made them for her - she was overseas) a spate of additional trades that, low and behold, never created a paper trail to follow..........................................................................Hillary's rather extraordinary explanation for all of this was, "Hey, I was lucky." Lucky is right, I say. According to the Journal of Economics and Statistics, the odds of somebody (absent insider information, of course) turning $1,000 into $100,000 on their initial commodities trade is one in 250 million. Youza, huh?


  1. You're really scrapping up some old Hillary news with that post Will.That was a favor for the governor who at the time could'nt rub two nickels together.
    I'd be a bit more suspect of the vast ammounts Bubba has made since leaving office.

  2. Yeah, Russ, it's old. But I love it! I especially love the brass-balls component.

  3. I did, and without "insider information".
    Actually it was $500 into $45,000 on a software stock.
    But close enough that I know your statements is wrong.
    Uncle Sam ate a big hunk of my gains, and I didn't mind one bit.

  4. My statement? I was quoting the Journal of Economics and Statistics. 1138, I know that this is had for you to get a grasp on but, really, there are a few dishonest Democrtas out there.

  5. Here's something hard for you to grasp... Hillary has never been convicted of any wrong doing.
    BIG BIG BIG news for you, there are dishonest people in all organizations and walks of life.
    The real puzzler here as thereturnofRusty said is why YOU would pull up this old canard at this date and time for no apparent valid purpose.
    You said it couldn't be done honestly and I have, and so have others.
    But the stock markets are not "blind bets" anyways - everybody (well except fools) knows something about what they buy... heck they pay advisers and brokers for just that purpose, Hillary had a GOOD adviser with knowledge of the events and cycles in an agricultural commodity.
    YOU got any EVIDENCE that shows otherwise? No one else does, and they looked hard.

  6. Why wasn't she forced to pay the margin call? As for her never having been convicted, powerful people rarely are (it's big-time news when it happens). And, yes, since when has the Journal of Economics and Statistics been a part of the right-wing conspiracy? Hillary 1)had insider information and 2)received a lot of special treatment (the average investor would have had to pay that $117,500 margin fee - NOT HILLARY!!)

  7. Dude, lots of folks don't pay what you are mis labelling "margin fee's" it depends on the type of brokerage account you have and how much reserve you hold.

    Did I call "Journal of Economics and Statistics" a part of "the right-wing conspiracy"?
    Nope that's you reading words YOU WANT TO SEE -- nothing I wrote or even intimated.

  8. 1) The Journal of Economics and Statistics came up with the 250 million to one odds that Hillary could have done what she did absent insider information. NOT ME. 2) Hillary made her trade through the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. They required a margin call back then. If it was you or me, 1138, we would have had to cough it up.

  9. "They required a margin call back then."

    You're not even using the proper language.

  10. Whatever. The point was that she got special treatment.

  11. "Whatever."

    To para[hrase William F. Buckley Jr.

    "Whatever.", "The mating call of the American know nothing. All noise and bluster with no substance."

  12. I don't necessarily equate grammer and substance. My main point is that Hillary had to have been given special treatment. If I expressed that not to your grammatical liking, I apologize.

  13. It's not about grammar, It's about mental dismission rather than expressed thought.



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