Sunday, June 14, 2009

A General Pattern

When it comes to Colin Powell, conservatives seem to be talking out of both sides of their mouths. On the one hand, you have Rush Limbaugh saying that Powell's support of Barack Obama was strictly because of race. It had absolutely nothing to do with politics. At the same time as this, you have a fellow like Cheney saying that General Powell has gone so far to the left that he probably isn't even a Republican anymore. It (Powell's endorsement of Obama) had EVERYTHING to do with the issues..........................................................................I don't know, folks, it seems to me like the Republicans just might want to do a little self analysis here. This, I'm saying, in that, instead of spinning like a top on General Powell, calling into question his motivation, etc., they just might want to figure out some of their own mistakes......................................................................And, no, I'm not necessarily saying that they would have to do a major-league revamping here - not at all, me-buckos. What I am saying, though, is that they absolutely need to update the message some. They especially need to stop beating up on Hispanics. That (whether the right likes it or not) is a huge and continuously growing demographic. The Republicans can't afford to indefinitely offend them - not, that is, if they want to win some elections in the future.

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