Saturday, June 20, 2009

Rationalize This, Mr. Arafat

To those bloggers who say that Arafat turned down the Barak/Clinton peace proposal because of water concerns, one word; BUNK! I mean, just check the records, for Christ. U.S. negotiator, Dennis Ross, clearly put a stipulation into the agreement that granted the Palestinians access to desalinated water from inside Israel....................................................................And the thing is, folks, if in fact this ever was a stumbling-block, why didn't the Palestinians mention it during the negotiations? Better still, why didn't they make a counter-offer to the Barak/Clinton proposal? Why? Why? I'll tell you why. Mr. Arafat walked away from the peace talks for one reason, and one reason only. If in fact he had signed this peace agreement, he would have also had to have given up his lifelong goal of destroying Israel. That was something not in his DNA, apparently...............................................................................Which leads ME to ask a question, folks - why is it that some people still have an affinity for this clown? Seriously, explain it to me. I'm all ears.

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