Friday, May 22, 2009

Weasels Win Once in a While

If somebody had told me several months ago that, in a dispute between Barack Obama and Harry Reid, I'd be siding with Senator Reid, I would have told them that they were bonkers. But that's exactly what's happened this week, folks. Yeah, that's right. I'm referring to the Senate vote on the funding for Obama's proposed closure of Gitmo. Reid and the vast percentage of his colleagues (rightly, in my opinion) opted to vote against the bill - not because they're opposed to the closing of Gitmo, mind you, but because of the extreme lack of details surrounding the plan; namely, where to put these detainees once the facility finally IS closed....................................................................I mean, seriously, though, talk about a wake-up call, huh - getting a brush-back pitch from the clearly less than stellar Reid? Hopefully, folks, the President will learn from this and, no, won't be sending to Senate any more incomplete pieces of legislation (yes, even when his own party is in charge up there). The last thing Obama needs is a nasty egg on his face. Especially not from Harry Reid. Ugh!

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